

Friday, September 4, 2009

OWN Your Stairs!

Ok, I have had a couple of requests to give info on my “Stair Routine”. So here goes! (It’s going to be a quick blog since I really should be studying for Anatomy & Physiology right now)…lol

Mind you I live in a community that has hills, so I take full advantage of them and we do this work out atleast 2 times a week (Stairs) and we switch up the exercises doing 6 total in each work out…But feel free to pick from the list or add any you think would be beneficial. FYI at the bottom, middle landing & top of stairs REQUIRED 10 jumping jacks!!! We have 25 stairs total at our park (This can be done at home or on bleachers.)

We start by walking up hill fast tempo. Then anywhere it is flat we either jog or sprint (depending on fitness level) to get heart rate accelerated.

EVERY corner you choose from the following:
Corners: Jumping Jacks, Sit ups or V-sits on the curb, pushups, squats or lunges to failure. Yes we look AWESOME doing them as traffic goes by!

Ahh the stairs: Start/end at top with 10 jumping jacks (and 10 in the middle if there is a middle for you)

© Side squats up the stairs right/left leg (these are done as 2 DIFFERENT exercises alternating legs each time)
© Stair push-ups –prone position, wide arms and feet for stability and 1 push up each step. CRAWL up the steps via hands & feet only to stand to do jumping jacks.
© Calf raises count of 5 each step. Newbies do both feet on single step-More advanced do alternating legs.
© Side squats -again alternate leg
© Deep squats -on stairs (both feet on 1 step)
© Stair Step Lunges (again alternate legs repeat for other leg)
© Stair Tricep dips (hard)
© Football Fast Feet- LOVE THIS ONE (it can be done going up & down the stairs) Each stair do a mamba-like step. 4 counts-right, left, right, left…next step…FAST!
© Knee lifts with side crunch
© Back kick alternating legs

That’s all I can remember for now of the “Actual” Stair routines we have used. (Brain dead & lack of time right now. Still need to be studying-lol)

From the top of the stairs we run about 75 yards on funky terrain and repeat to next exercise after doing the 10 jumping jacks. When done with stairs, it’s a brisk ALL uphill walk and the rule is “if it’s flat you gotta run.” Our slogan is this…”It doesn’t have to be perfect or beautiful; it just HAS TO BE DONE.!!! Perfection will come!”

Feel free to adopt this as your own and give feedback on what you would incorporate or change in this! I LOVE mixing it up and welcome any and all suggestions!!! I am sure there is something I forgot to add so check back to this blog to see updates or suggestions that myself or others may give input on!

Oh 1 more thing! See I told you I would forget something-lol Add weighted gloves to your Stair Workout and realllllly tone your arms up and burn a few extra calories! these are the ones I reccommend (Scroll down the page-they are 10th on the list and a great buy at &14.95.)

Remember- I am always listening and here for ya!
And There is no “I” in TEAM!

Now, go show those stairs who is boss! You know you will OWN them!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

A little about this "Ordinary Girl"!

This is my first blog…lol -at 40 and it’s a year of change for me! I Turned 40 in December very gracefully and embraced my age with much gratitude. I then received my 1st tattoo in January with my Daughter Taylor –the word LOVE-It is my favorite word of all. Hence the LARGE letters on my office wall surrounded by the people I love and two that I have unfortunately lost. (Both of my fathers).

I have been pretty much my entire life a very positive and extremely outgoing woman. But I also know when to tread lightly and when to tip toe softly. I have loved and lost, suffered heart ache and extreme joy. I have yelled and screamed (which gets you no where might I say) and laughed so hard I have had water come out my nose!

I have a great love for my family-a deep devotion! I am (still after eighteen years together which 16 of them we have been happily married) absolutely and totally in love with my husband that when he walks in the door after being gone, my heart skips a beat and my toes completely curl when kissing him!

My children are my “everything”! I just wish I could go back in time and really take the time to enjoy them all over again with the wisdom I have today. I was blessed to have the family of “His, Hers & Ours”…figure it out and give yourself a pat on the back!

Today my oldest son Bert is 21 and has joined the Air Force while currently waiting to go to training (Boot Camp) and then to be deployed. He will be the third generation on my husband’s side to have served this Great Nation! Freedom isn’t free!

My daughter Taylor is 19 and has known since she came out of the womb that she was and will be a successful Make-up Artist & Cosmetologist to the stars! (At 14 she was doing all the make-up for our neighbor’s daughters as they were off going to prom!) She definitely physically is my twin. (We love to confuse our neighbors!)

And then there is Adam! Absolutely the funniest kid to be around! He is 15 going on 47. Has an “old soul” and a sense of humor that drifts out of nowhere that will leave you gasping for breath! He eat, sleeps & breathes football in his Sophomore year of school! And loves science! He used to find frogs in our pool who had gone to “frog heaven” and dissect them! He is currently enrolled in the “Health Academy” at his school, which will guide him on to a medical profession for his future! “Paging Dr. Adam…Dr. Adam to the OR STAT.”

I reared my children with the greatest sense of accomplishment. I always tell them “you three are the greatest accomplishment I have ever done in my life!” And let me tell you they are incredible people!

I chose a while back to return to school later in life (after becoming pregnant with my daughter.) A short time after, I then met and married my husband and in one day, I was a wife and mother of 2 small children…and then came baby number three-Adam shortly after!

I am currently pursuing my general education requirements to enter the Nursing Program. I have always wanted to help and serve others in a caring and compassionate way while working in the health field. I guess fashioning an attitude of “Paying it Forward.” When both of my fathers spent their last days in hospitals dying with anonymous nurses around trying to care for them I felt empowered to give back. I feel and hope I can take away the shock and awe of tragedy, just by being compassionate!

My past loves have been Kick Boxing, Tae Kwon DO, and Krav Maga! Funny that as a 5’2 “girl” I used to get the best adrenaline rush while sparring 6’ tall men! LOVED IT! I have always been a fitness enthusiast and love my time in the gym with my friend the “iPod”! Kid Rock (per say) and I have played many games of racquetball together! If you want someone else to work out with… with an off the Electric Grid amount of energy? Try Chalene Johnson’s Turbo Jam or ChaLEAN Extreme routine! OMGosh got 60 days and want to shred up fasssst? Pick up the Insanity work out! And then LOOK OUT! I found mine at Beachbody after watching an infomercial!

I read any and every THING on self help, quotes, fitness, diet & work out techniques! And I love to “Coach” people and give advice that has worked for me to others! (I am a Coach with Beachbody-helping others to achieve their dreams & fitness goals. Can I tell you I LOVE IT!!!) I am currently coaching my Mom in South Carolina (69 and she is as funny as can be) is currently doing squats & arm curls to strengthen up for my brother’s new baby that is on the way! While walking to strengthen her heart, so she can have the stamina to love & provide care for the new “Peanut” that is on his/her way!

I am a research fanatic! Give me something to research for you and I will get you a 50 page dissertation that you will be begging me to stop! Lol

I LOVE-LOVE-LOVE to cook. I can cook almost anything without a recipe! (Thanks to my So. Cal Mom)! I try to cook mostly organic for my family after doing much research on all the “yucky” additives that are either gassed, sprayed, waxed, genetically altered in to our food! (Read Jillian Michaels “Master Your Metabolism” it will keep you up at night J)

I am just an ordinary girl, but I feel as though I have much to give, a purpose greater than my own. I do not want to leave this world and remembered as “the ordinary girl”…but the ordinary girl who did “extraordinary things!” Not of monetary value, but by depositing large sums, of love, trust and friendship into others lives…

If there is something pressing on your heart or mind, let me know,
I am always listening…

“A true friend never gets in your way, unless you happen to be going down.”
-Arnold H. Glasgow

All My Best,

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