

Friday, January 8, 2010

Why Eliminate It ALL And Become Vegan?

A few of my friends have recently asked me why I have chosen to be Vegan...There are a multitude of reasons for many but here are mine:

1. To become healthier.
2. Sharper mental accuity (I am a full time student & I have felt like I have had a combination of "forgetfulness" aka "Brain fog" and ADD-LOL)
3. Utilize an Anti-inflammation diet due to Fibromyalgia and Arthritis in my body from years of (self) physical abuse from working out.
4. Focus more on Nutrients of organic and whole sources going in my body for utilization!
5. And With all of that will come the weight loss...
6. I also believe in the ethical treatment of animals (A totally different blog for another day)
7. I quiver at the thought of all of the additives, preservatives, fillers, hormones, antibiotics in our mainstream diet!...Hormone disruptors, cancer stimulants.....oh I could go on and on!

I was diagnosed 6 years ago with Fibromyalgia and Arthritis in my hands & wrists.  If you are unaware of what Fibromyalgia is --->Fibromyalgia is a common condition characterized by long-term, body-wide pain and tender points in joints, muscles, tendons, and other soft tissues and at times leaves you feeling like you have body aches similar to the flu, random "rundown" and just pooped feeling.  Frequent illnesses (Since it is an Auto immune disease like Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus-NOT as severe or life threatening but still painful and exhausting).

In the spring of this last year I contracted Mycoplasma Pneumonia while visting my Dad in the hospital.  I returned to be so ill that it took me 4 months to recover from TWO bouts of Pneumonia, Pleurisy, 2 broken ribs from coughing, 23 different prescription medications in 30 days, an inflamed gallbladder and then finally gallbldder removal surgery in August of '09. AND then to top it off, my immune system was completely shot, energy was non existant and I was a train wreck, feeling like crap and eating crap...two steps forward,... three steps back was my cycle...I went no where, but backwards.

In the fall of last year I took a Nutrition class with my daughter while at school-what an enlightening experience!  In class we focused on where and how our food sources come from-Bottom line SCAREY as HELL! I am not here to preach that everyone should forgo the Dorito's and munch on organic celerey...but do the research and try to figure out what the ingredients are in your food!  We watched a movie "Food Inc" (You can see the trailer here ) So engrossing and gross at the same time! Everyone in the United States should watch  to see where our food comes from, how it is handled and how our farmers are treated...It's HORRIFYING! General consumer has NO IDEA!!! Let me know if you view it! I would love to know your thoughts...

In the journey I am on, here is what I have given up:
  • Meat (all animal)
  • Dairy
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Processed food
  • Fast food
  • Gluten laiden products
  • The "White's" Sugar, Flour & Salt are gone!
  • Mostly 95% organic food...
After one week of being Vegan...what is my conclusion:
  • Do I miss it or feel like anything is missing in my diet? Absolutely not.
  • How do I feel? I actually feel better than I have felt in a long time, granted it has only been one week.
  • Mental focus? Headaches? Nope not one headache-Mental focus feels sharper and more acute daily.
  • Feelings of "Flares" (thats what we Auto immune patients refer to as feeling like crap)? A little on the achey side, but nothing that is not manageable or tolerable or just NORMAL for us.
  • General response & feeling of my body? I was dealing with SEVERE congestion in my sinus's before I started (this was the catalyst for me) I was using Afrin 3-4 times daily, a nettie pot, decongestants along with Benadryl and was waking only to feel as if I was suffocating! With in 3 days of being vegan, all symptoms are GONE!
  • Weight loss? Down 3.8 pounds in less than a week!
Being Vegan isn't for everyone.  My best friend Judy is completely raw! (All uncooked fruit & veggie diet -you can view her blog at ).  I couldn't do a raw diet per say,....I love warm food too much! But I have adopted MANY of her recipes to incorporate into my new vegan life!  there is NOTHING like fresh Avocado dressing...and so simple! Another Blog for another time! Oh and Juicing! Yikes! A fresh Juiced drink is absolutely amazing!

At anytime if you have any questions, please feel free to ask...
Much love and many blessings,

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Lime Cilantro Quinoa with Lentils-Topped with Cilantro-Garlic Aioli

In this dish it is SUPER easy and fast to make (other than waiting for the beans to cook) & filling and satisfying for the hungriest person! (This recipe is 100% mine-I love to cook and come up with new recipes all the time! Bon Appetit!!

  • Dried beans left behind? Save in a jar or plastic bag the few stragglers and combine with other orphaned beans for the future.
  • Cilantro “Stems” save for blending in the making of the aioli sauce!
  • Save finished beans for freezing or another meal in the week-Lord knows you will have enough of them!!!

2 Cups of Lentils or mixed beans (Lentils, Split Pea, Pinto Beans Kidney beans-Barley is great in this too with the beans-it acts as a “thickener”.)
8-10 cups of water
1/2 yellow onion
4 cloves of crush garlic
1 tsp. of cumin
¼ cup of “dried vegetables” (carrot, celery, peppers) or you can use fresh veggies.
1tsp black pepper

Rinse beans & then place in a Crock Pot. Cover with water –water should be about 2-3 inches above beans. Add all of the remaining ingredients and cook on high for about 6 hours. Test for bean “tenderness”. When tender they are done. I add salt at the end, so they cook faster.

Garlic Cilantro Aioli
4 cloves of garlic
2 Small Serrano Chiles (seeds included)
“About” 1 cup of cilantro (I just tear the top off of the cilantro and “Fist” measure”) Use stems too! (it ALL gets blended and tastes the same)
¼ tsp Salt (I like Mediterranean or Himalayan salt)

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until all ingredients become blended. If you do not like “heat” cut back to 1 or NO chiles, its still just as good.

Lime Cilantro Quinoa
2 Cups of Quinoa
4 Cups of water

Place both ingredients in a pot-bring to a boil.  Cover and reduce to a low simmer for 15 minutes. Remove from heat & let cool/steam for 5-10 minutes.

Right before serving: Juice 2 Limes & chop ¼ Cup of cilantro. Place these two items in to the pot of cooked quinoa and fluff quinoa to stir in ingredients!

Layer Quinoa on the bottom, followed by beans topped with Aioli and ENJOY!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Corona Farmers Market

I absolutely feel like a little kid when I attend the Corona Farmers Market. (This link is borrowed from my Twitter friend La Fuji Mama - who cooks some of the most amazing things) You know the feeling when you were little and a grandparent gave you spare change to go to the local store to buy something for yourself! Call me silly, but I love it! There is a very wide variety of vendors with amazing produce, flowers, bread, organic coffee, spreads and dips...oh and the avocado-green chile tamales are A-MAZING! It's worth a gander and an adventure on Saturday mornings from 8:30-12:30. If you don't live in or near the Corona Farmers Market go to and find a Farmers Market in your area.

I have been doing a tremendous amount of reading and recently completed a nutrition class for school that focused a wide amount on organic foods. I truly am a firm believer of what we put into our bodies to fuel it effects our well being in all capacities!!! You wouldn't put diluted or a wrong mixture of gas in to your car would you? Can you imagine the repair cost? We are doing the same thing to our bodies, hence high medical bills! We eventually will pay the price and are with the rapidly increasing rate of CANCER and obesity. We need to be more aware of what big businesses are placing in our food and not support big corporations who just want to make money and don't care how it effects the consumer.
Now, go find a local farmers market, support your local farmers & know your doing your body good-It will thank you later by running more efficiently!!!

Blessings until then!