

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Off of the couch and on to the beach!

So, if you’re like me, I have that desire to once again get in shape. This time for good!!! Well, round right now for me “ROUND” isn’t really my favorite shape, so I have decided to blog about my weight-loss *ahem* I mean “getting in shape” journey. By the time summer is here, I want to be anything but round!

I like the split training days of Upper/Lower body since it gives ample amount of time to allow muscles to recover. Along with on cardio days they allow muscles to “loosen up” a tad bit! Or I will be applying some serious WD40 on my hinges!

Cardio days will be 1 hour of intense cardio: Cycle class, walk/run, at home DVD (Turbo Jam is AMAZING), a brisk hill walk with my 4-legged girl “Abby” or a machine of choice at the gym! I found a great website called that lays out a “Couch to 5k” in 2 months plan. I am aiming for a 5k in late May.

Planning on intense cardio in the mornings & then a 20 minute “C25K” (Couch to 5k) plan in the afternoon. Hey, if the “Biggest Loser” Contestants can train for hours a day why can’t I? They have ample hydration and rest in between. (“Check-Check” on my list of musts in rules. Hydration & Rest!!)

Below is what 4 weeks would look like for me. After 4 weeks, I will change up my weight lifting routine and change up the cardio. I treat my weight training like Circuit Training. I go thru each exercise one time and then repeat 2 more times. I also log my start & finish time and try to beat it by seconds the next time. You burn more calories with intense weight training.

Sun   Mon  Tues   Wed   Thurs   Fri       Sat

Free Upper Cardio Lower Cardio Upper Cardio

Free Lower Cardio Upper Cardio Lower Cardio

Free Upper Cardio Lower Cardio Upper Cardio

Free Lower Cardio Upper Cardio Lower Cardio

**Free Days ar a day of rest! And one free treat or meal!

Upper Body (3 sets x 15 reps)     Lower Body (3 sets x 15 reps)

Bench Press (Chest)                    Step-ups (Quads)

Cable Flys (Chest)                       **Squats on Smith Machine (Quads)

Bent over Rows (Back)                Dead Lifts (Hamstrings)

Seated Cable Rows (Back)            Lunges (Quads & Hams)

Reverse Fly’s (Shoulders)            Weighted Calf Raises Standing (Calf)

Lateral Raises (Shoulders)            Box Jumps (LEGS)

Hammer Curls (Bi-ceps)              Push-ups (upper body)

Bi-cep Curls (Bi-ceps)                 **I love the Leg Press machine too! (extra)

Air Squats (Legs thrown in for fun)

So there you have it! Nutrition will be based on a 1.200 calorie day. High nutrient food, low in fat, high in fiber & wholesome goodness!!! Next blog!!!

So join me in being an “Iron Maiden” or a “Sister in Iron” I would love to have you along!